CrossShop - Ricambi e Accessori Motocross
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Acerbis hydraulic lift


€ 65,00 each Iva included Acerbis Code: 0023860  

Product information

Acerbis hydraulic lift

The Acerbis motorcycle stand, also known as a lift stand, is the essential accessory for motocross and minicross enthusiasts seeking reliable and practical support during maintenance and repair operations on their bikes.

**Durability and Functionality:**
Constructed from sturdy steel, this motorcycle lift stand is equipped with a hydraulic piston designed to slow down the descent phase, ensuring controlled and safe maneuvering.

**Adaptability and Versatility:**
The rubberized top platform is adjustable in height, allowing it to adapt to a wide range of off-road motorcycles, including minicross models. Additionally, the swivel platform allows for easy rotation of the motorcycle during maintenance operations, offering unparalleled convenience and comfort.

**Maximum Safety:**
The stand features a "HOOK" safety system that prevents accidental bike descents, ensuring a safe and protected working environment.

**Technical Specifications:**
- Fully raised stand height: adjustable from 33 to 46 cm.
- Fully lowered stand height: adjustable from 23.5 to 36 cm for minicross.
- Maximum load capacity: 130 kg.

**Applications and Usage:**
This central motorcycle lift stand is designed to be positioned under the engine cradle, providing a practical and reliable solution for a wide range of motocross, minicross, motard, and enduro bikes.

**Why Choose the Acerbis Motorcycle Lift Stand?**
With its combination of durability, functionality, and safety, the Acerbis motorcycle lift stand is the ideal choice for those seeking reliable support for their bike maintenance. With this accessory, every intervention becomes a smooth and safe operation, ensuring maximum peace of mind for the passionate motorcyclist.

**Acerbis Brand: Quality and Reliability:**
Acerbis is synonymous with excellence in the off-road motorcycle equipment sector. With years of experience and a constant commitment to quality, Acerbis offers products that meet the highest demands of motocross and minicross riders worldwide.

The assembly of the Acerbis motorcycle lift stand is simple and intuitive, allowing riders to quickly start using this essential accessory for their bike maintenance.

For further information or any clarifications, the Crosshop team remains available to provide assistance and support. Feel free to contact us with any questions or needs.

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